A user account is required to use various features of the website
An account can be created by filling out the form at the following link https://www.ipbes.net/user/register. The following information is requested at the time of registration: username, email address, salutation, first name, middle name, last name, job title, affiliation, about, mailing list subscription, and security question.
Once accounts are created, users can login to provide additional information.
All registered users have a dashboard that can be accessed after logging in by clicking on your username at the top right or typing /user at the end of the site’s URL, i.e. https://www.ipbes.net/user. Please bookmark the page for quick access. The user dashboard will contain the user's name, photo and biography. It will also contain all the IPBES roles assigned to the user, groups, form submissions and other content created by the user.
Go to login https://ipbes.net/user/register
Submit the form by clicking on 'create a new account
Subscribe to the IPBES mailing list to stay updated. Note that you can unsubscribe any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the notifications or by logging in to your profile and unchecking the box below.
To access the IPBES website as an authenticated user you need to log in by either typing the URL in the web address bar or following this link: https://ipbes.net/user/login. Enter your username and password and click login
If you don’t remember or can’t find your password you can get a new password by clicking the Request new password button in https://www.ipbes.net/user. You will then receive an automated email with a link and further instructions for login.
You need to be logged in to view or update your profile. See previous section on how to log in
Once logged in, you’ll see your most recent content, your profile details, and your profile image.
Click on Edit to check and update all your account information and personal information. You will also get access to additional information about you in the About section as well as your timezone and your profile image. You can also see which Groups you belong to and delete your account by clicking the Cancel account button.
Click on Account to expand and view or quickly change the details of your account including: Your username. The email address linked to your account and how you will be contacted. Your password (you can also request a new password if you’ve lost or forgotten it).
When you’re done adding and editing content on the site, you’ll want to make sure you log out to avoid security risks. Once you log out, you’ll be taken back to the Home page of the site.