Prepared by Renske Gudde (TSU for data and knowledge management)
Reviewed by Rainer M. Krug (Task force for data and knowledge management), Aidin Niamir (TSU for data and knowledge management), Tanara Renard Truong Van Nga and Ryoko Kawakami (TSU for the invasive alien species assessment)
For any inquiries please contact Version 1.3 Last updated: 18 April 2024
This page is designed to help navigate through all the documents of the invasive alien species assessment, such as the data management reports, figures and all accompanying documents.
Summary for policymakers (SPM)
Prepared by Renske Gudde (TSU for data and knowledge management)
Reviewed by Aidin Niamir (TSU for data and knowledge management)
For any inquiries please contact Version 1.0 Last updated: 11 June 2024
This page is designed to help navigate through all the documents of the first global assessment, such as the SPM, individual chapters and the supplementary materials.
Translations of the SPM in , , , , , , , , , , and .
These assessment directories have been propared by the technical support unit for data, and reviewed by the task force on knowledge and data and the technical support unit for invasive alien species.
The publicly available libraries for approved IPBES assessments and the IPBES ILK library can be found can be found here.
All source files are also available on our GitHub. For any questions, feedback, or suggestions for future guidelines, contact